Grumpy Young Man |
Everyone is entitled to my opinion. |
It's been a while...It certainly has. I'm back af...
Separation of Football and StateHere's the latest ... Alright, I give up. Now it seems the Dems won't f... Today I'll live up to my promise. The topic:Conse... Update: The Gathering StormWell, I was wrong, part... Three thoughts today:First: Microsoft sues Google.... Hey everybody. Welcome to my blog. The term "Daily... |
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 Posted by SalsaKat at 9:30 PM.
Bush and "Intelligent" in the Same Sentence?
Ah. The Scopes monkey trial lives again. It's creationism versus evolution time again, boys and girls. The Prez is trying to push the agenda of "intelligent design". Now, this theory of intelligent design does not purport the existence of a specific deity but rather reasons that since life is so complicated, there must be a higher design behind it all. I'll give it credit for not being religiously affiliated but there's no evidence. Scientific theories have to be supported by evidence, and lots of it. There's simply no evidence of "intelligent design" but evolution is empirically justified and accepted in the scientific community. If we want to teach an interfaith class or something of that nature in schools, I'm all for it. I think exposure to many ideas of faith would be enlightening for schoolchildren. But I also think we need to let the science classes stick to science. P.S. I don't deny either the hypothesis of creation or the theory of evolution. I personally believe that both are mostly true, and both may be a little flawed. I also consider myself a person of faith and see no need to discount one since there's no undeniable proof AGAINST either. I'm merely debating that science classes should teach modern empirical science. 0 Comments: |
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