Grumpy Young Man |
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Better Get Rid of that Box Under Your Bed
Big Blue Bust One Nation, Under Lawyers... The Long Controller Cord of the Law FEMA Director Relieved Pauvres New Orleans GOP: The Good Ole (Boys') Party Bonne Chance, New Orleans Thou Shalt Kill? miPod |
![]() Saturday, September 03, 2005 Posted by SalsaKat at 11:40 AM.
It's sad. It is really sad. For some people, a tragedy like Hurricane Katrina brings out the best in them. But unfortunately, for others, it brings out the worst.
People are looting and shooting throughout the city. One shooter even took shots at ill refugees being evacuated from a hospital (Source). I realize that desparate times call for desparate measures and I also understand that people need to do extreme things to survive, but much of this isn't even about survival. People aren't just looting food and water, they're taking electronics in a city with no power. I can't imagine who they expect to sell it to, in that horribly decimated area. And the shootings really baffle me. Not that it would be right, but I could understand if someone were shooting another person over food. Yet something stupid like taking shots at HOSPITAL PATIENTS is beyond me. It's like my coworker Jason Miller was saying: People in the city are like, "two cats in a bag." There's no logic to their actions, they're just irritated for being cooped up in a bad situation and lashing out with no rhyme or reason. I feel worst for the people who are trying to help each other and make it through alive and well. I simply pray for everyone in this poor, torn up city. If you can, please consider donating. ![]() Tuesday, August 30, 2005 Posted by SalsaKat at 10:06 PM.
Gotta love it when Kentucky news makes it to the national scene. Wait, no I don't, it's always something bad.
His Most Honorable Governor Ernie Fletcher is under fire lately for granting pardons to members of his staff that are under investigation. These staff members were being investigated for unethical hiring practices: hiring based on political affiliation rather than merit. Now the Gov. has issued a blanket pardon for all staff members involved (Source). Gee, what a surprise. I understand that the leader of a major political party in Kentucky needs to support his own, but this is ridiculous. Does it strike anyone else as a blatant conflict of interest? Staff members are accused of political favoritism, and he makes a politically favoritist, completely meritless pardon? And Fletcher has no comment for the grand jury investigators other than some meaningless political rhetoric. "I cannot allow state government to continue to be consumed by this game of political 'gotcha,' paralyzing our ability to serve you, the people of Kentucky," Fletcher said. Sounds like, similar to most politicians, his ability to serve is directed much more toward his own and his party's interests. ![]() Monday, August 29, 2005 Posted by SalsaKat at 8:42 AM.
I just thought I'd take a moment to express my sympathy for the people in New Orleans and southern Mississippi and their families. Katrina sounds like the big one and it's entirely possible that the Big Easy may not be as it was before once this is over. I'm glad I was able to visit the French Quarter when I did. I just hope that everyone stays safe.
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