Grumpy Young Man
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FEMA Director Relieved
Friday, September 09, 2005
Posted by SalsaKat at 4:59 PM.

Katrina has been one of the most destructive natural disasters in national history. It has left billions of dollars in damage and millions of people displaced and without their lives.

Unfortunately, part of the trouble was the inadequate assistance provided by the government. To this end, FEMA director Michael Brown has been relieved of his field command. He is being replaced by Coast Guard Vice Admiral Thad Allen.

When I heard this, I had two words: 'Bout time! The government, on all levels, has dropped the ball on this one. The federal government failed to provide the necessary aid, and the state and local governments failed to localize the necessary forces to get people out of harm's way. Taking one head man out of the picture isn't necessarily going to improve the situation, but at least the powers that be are taking a stand and saying that this incompetence won't fly.

And of course, the people of New Orleans have been the ones to suffer for these mistakes. It's sad that the government would be so lax with efforts to save and rebuild peoples' lives, but at least they're admitting that things need to be improved and taking steps in that direction.

Location: Lexington, Kentucky, United States

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